Martin Luther King Civil Rights Leader Born in 1929, died in 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia in the large twelve room house of his parents on January 15, 1929. His grandparents also lived in the house. He was born during a time when black people did not have the rights which they have today. M.L., as he was called, first experienced racial discrimination * when their white neighbors refused to let him play with their boys. This was hard for him to understand because the boys had grown up as neighbors and had played together for years. At a later time he and his father were asked to move to the back of a shoe store to be fitted with shoes. They left without buying anything. These early incidents made a deep impression on the young boy. When he was five years old his mother persuaded the first grade teacher, Miss Dickerson, to make room for him in her class. Even though he started several weeks after the other children, he soon caught up with t...
Hello My Future Champions! Today we are going to think about family by singing a song, filling out a questionnaire and drawing about it. The name of the song is: Our Family Comes From Round The World. The lyrics are from a poem by Mary Ann Hoberman and I put them to music. Here is a link to the song: Here is a link to the lyrics: After you have listened to the song, please fill out the Family Questionnaire that’s attached to your class page. After you have submitted the questionnaire, draw a picture of a member of your family and come back to our meeting and show it to me. You may use pencils, crayons, paints or even the computer if you know how. Extra Credit: Take a picture of your drawing and email it to me at:
Hello Students: Today you will watch a movie and complete some activities in Brain Pop Jr. about Martin Luther King. Click on this link to watch the movie and complete the quiz. Username: tfbrain Password: tfbrain
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